I like using canvas bags when I go shopping. Why? They’re sturdier than the plastic bags that the stores offer, most of the plastic bags have holes in them (nothing like chasing your groceries through the store’s parking lot), and I think that when you’re not looking, they reproduce all by themselves. When you use canvas bags, you don’t have to gather them up & take them back to the store to be recycled, like you have to do with plastic.
But… most of the canvas bags have store logos on them or are downright ugly. The nice looking ones can run into some money, and start off heavy, which doesn’t help when trying to lug groceries into the house.
When I was browsing the craft department at Walmart, I found a package of plain white canvas totes. Being the crafter that I am, I got all kinds of ideas in my head & had to grab a package!
I now have canvas shopping totes just for shopping at the craft stores!