Bathroom Corner Shelf Re-Do

I don’t know if I’m frugal, cheap or just hate throwing things away that can be saved.  I’m stubborn Irish, so I guess it’s more of the latter.  This Summer, I’ve been doing a lot of little repairs around the house while the weather has been nice.  This is one of those projects.

Bathroom Corner Shelf Re-Do

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Jewelry Christmas Tree

It’s no secret that I have O.C.D. ~ Obsessive Christmas Disorder.

I think about Christmas all the time.  I can’t look at an everyday item without thinking, “How can I turn that into a Christmas decoration?”

That’s what happened when I posted the Walmart Gem Haul.  I saw those pieces of gaudy earrings & I knew exactly what I was going to do with them.  Those earrings became this:

Jewelry Christmas Tree

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Canvas Clock with Bling

When I’m in my craft room, I have a tendency to lose track of time.  There have been times when I’ve become so engrossed in a project that I’ve watched the sun come up.  One of the last times I did that, I realized that I needed a clock in there.  But, knowing me, I couldn’t just buy a clock… I had to make one.

Here’s the latest project for my craft room.  A DIY Canvas clock… With Bling.

DIY Canvas Clock with Bling

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New Crystal for my Window

I have a dear friend who gave me a very special gift.  He gave me a paper towel wrapped around something heavy.  It was one of the most beautiful crystals that I’ve ever seen.  He knows how much I love crystals & that I have a window full of them.  When the sunlight shines through my crystals, it fills my craft room with the most beautiful rainbows that you could imagine.  The sight of those rainbows inspire me, every day.

New Crystal for my Window

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DIY Bling Tissue Box

It never fails, when I need a tissue, they’re in the other room.  And they’re always hidden under a tissue box cover because I can’t stand the patterns that are on those boxes.  The craft room is no exception.  Since I’ve been working on redoing the craft room, (that’s a whole story in itself that I’ll tell when it’s completed) I decided to make something pretty to hold the tissues.  This could be used in any room & done in any color of your choice.

DIY Bling Tissue Box

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A Painting for Baby’s Room

I have a sweet friend who has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl.  I wanted to do something special for her, and a one of a kind birth announcement wall hanging seemed perfect.  The baby’s room is being done in purple butterflies, so it made the theme for this wall hanging easy.  I also wanted to add a blessing to the painting.  The blessing is the same one that hung in my son’s nursery, oh so many years ago, so it had a special meaning to me.

This is the painting that I did for sweet little Chloe Nicole.  I hope her Mommy & Daddy like it.

A Painting for Baby's Room

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Fabric Stiffened Angel – New Versions

Back in December of 2013, I posted a tutorial about how to make a fabric stiffened angel.  This is still my top pin on Pinterest.  To see the tutorial, go here.

Since then, I’ve done a couple more as gifts and I thought I’d show you how different they look just by changing up the fabrics.

Fabric Stiffened Angel - New Versions

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Reupholstering Waterbed Rails

What does a bored housewife do when she’s got 3 days off from work & the Hubby is out of town?  Shop?  No, I hate shopping.  Clean?  Kinda.  Relax?  Yep.  Party?  Oh yeah…  How do I party?  I create!

The project that I’ve wanted to do was in the bedroom.  It’s hard to do a major project in the bedroom when the Hubby is home.  I knew that this was going to take awhile.  So, to fill the void of my Hubby being gone, I fixed our waterbed rails.  They were in bad shape.  After 2 days, this is the result.

Reupholstering Waterbed Rails

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D.I.Y. Whatever Clock

A while ago, a friend posted a picture of a clock on Facebook.  She said she really wanted it.  When I said that it looked easy enough to make, she said “show me”.  I showed the picture to my son, and he said that he wanted one in black & white.  So, to satisfy both, I made it for my son’s birthday.  It was so easy to make using very little supplies.

Here’s how I made the “Whatever Clock”

D.I.Y. Whatever Clock

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